[1] Li XL, Ding H. All-fiber magnetic field sensor based on microfiber knot resonatore and magnetic fluid[J].Optics Letters, 2012, 37(24):5187~5189 (SCI源刊,中科院分区2区).该论文发表后被美国著名光电子评论媒体Laser Focus World做了特别评论报道。并且,该论文自发表至今,他引次数已达到100余次。
[2] Li XL,Fan GH, Zhang YQ, Ji XF. A Fresnel concentrator with fiber-optic bundles based SSPS design, ACTA Astronauts, 2018, (SCI源刊,中科院分区2区)
[3] Li XL, Ding H. A stable evanescent field based microfiber knot resonator refractive index sensor[J]. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 26(16):1625~1628(SCI源刊,中科院分区2区)
[4] Li XL, Ding H. Temperature insensitive magnetic field sensor based on ferro-fluid clad microfiber knot resonator[J]. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 26(24):2426~2429 (SCI源刊,中科院分区2区)
[5] Li XL, Ding H. Investigation of the thermal properties of optical microfiber knot resonators[J], Instrumentation Science & Technology. 41(3):224~235, 2013. (SCI源刊)
[6] Ding H,Li Xl, et al. All-fiber Gas Sensing System Using Hollow-core Photonic Bandgap Fiber as Gas Cell. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 39(1), 78-87, 2011.( SCI源刊)
[7] Li XL, Ding H, Han CY. A novel magnetic field sensor based on the combination use of microfiber knot resonator and magnetic fluid, IEEE Proceeding of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), 2012.09.23-27, 111-113, Bali, Indonesia, 2012, oral report. EI收录.
[8] Li XL, Lv FX, Ding H, et al. An all-fiber current sensor based on magnetic fluid clad microfiber knot resonator[J]. Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Sensing Technology, 2014.09.02-04, 418-421, Liverpool, UK, 2014, oral report.
[9] 李仙丽,王东旭,张逸群,段竹竹, SSPS-OMEGA超大型球形聚光器结构拓扑构型与设计,宇航学报,2018,39(4),450-456.( EI检索号20183305699275)
[1]国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于微纳光纤波导耦合效应的微型瞬态磁场传感机理与技术的研究 ,编号51607131,25万.